We are a social/religious grief support group, made up of men and women who have lost a spouse or loved one.
We meet for a Dutch lunch on the second Wednesday of each month at Russo's Restaurant in Marble Falls from 11:30 AM until 1:00 PM. We have been meeting monthly since we organized in April of 2008 by Fr. Bob Scott, CSP.
The Samaritans are a safe haven, where we can talk, share feelings and fears, going through the stages of grief with those who understand. We offer information, listen and support one another by sharing with those who have been through the experience of a loss, by death or divorce. Grief takes its own time to heal, just as a wound does. This healing comes from within by sharing/ All is done in confidentiality, staying in our meeting room. We are a non-denominational organization.
For information contact Georgina Christy at 830-693-8001.