For many years, the Paulist Fathers have worked together with lay people in their foundations and ministries. To allow them to have an even more intimate connection with the Paulist Fathers, the Paulists created the Paulist Associate program. Men and women - even non-Catholic Christians - are invited to freely associate themselves with the Paulist spirituality and charism by making a commitment to embody the ideals of the Paulist in their daily living. With these associates, the charism of the Paulist - incarnating the Roman Catholic faith in North American culture - is extended beyond the limited membership of the Paulist community itself.
If you're interested. . . Adult Christians are invited to explore and experience the Paulist community and charism as a Paulist Associate. Becoming an associate involves a discernment period consisting of an informational meeting, a retreat, and a six-session formation program which explores various themes of Paulist spirituality and mission.
Following the discernment period, those who wish to make formal application to be a Paulist Associate may do so. Those who are approved for membership make a one-year commitment to the associate group, a commitment which is renewed annually. We meet on the first Saturday of each month around 10 AM. If you are interested in learning more about us contact Fr. Ruben.