The Purpose of the Fianance Council is to provide the pastor with a goup of Christian faithful who will aid him in the administration of the parish goods according to Diocese norms. While distinct from the Pastoral Council of the Parish, the Finance Council is to serve the goals and objectives set forth by the Pastoral Council, both being guided by the mission statement of the parish.
Canon Law expects that each parish have a finance council which is governed, in addition to universal law, by the norms issued by the diocesan Bishop.
Our Finance Council is a group of parishioners who advise and assist the pastor in the management of parish finances and property. Our task is to give counsel and seek consultation. We meet at least once a quarter for about two hours.
Our Pastoral Council focuses on our entire Parish Community. We strive to encompass all aspects of our faith life at St Paul the Apostle – our beliefs, hopes, joys, needs, sorrows, concerns, gifts, and our pursuit of the mission of the Church. Our council provides a means for bringing together our parish community in expressing its collective wisdom concerning pastoral plans and activities. Our Pastoral Council serves the entire community. Our Pastoral Council must read and reflect the "signs of the times" in developing plans and implementing short-term and long-term pastoral policies and activities in the parish.
The Council is called together by our Pastor. The Pastoral Council responds to his call, questions and concerns while offering the best consultation possible. Our task as a Council is to give counsel and seek consultation. Good counsel is the result of full, holistic, and active consultation. Thus, the members of our Council, along with the pastor, are called to reflect and consider pastoral issues for our common good and for our future. Our role is to understand, to reflect carefully and prayerfully and to seek consensus for the good of the entire community.
The Council meets once a month for about two hours. There are also several sub-committee meetings from time to time. If you would like more information on the council please contact our Pastor.