The Altar Linens Committee takes care of all of the linens used during our masses. The time commitment is for two months each year (May & June or July & August). Duties involve picking up the small altar linens from the sacristy each week, washing and ironing them, and returning them to the sacristy before the following weekend. You do not have to handle the large altar cloths or the scarves.
If you would like to help, please call the office
Do you have a green thumb? Are you creative? If so, the flower committee needs you!, If not, we need you anyway. Just as music adds to the appreciation of the liturgy, so does the environment. Who can not be in awe at the wonder of Christ's birth when they see the beautiful flowers and the lighted tree that grace the church during the Christmas season? And again in lent, the austere setting reminds us of the season.
Our Flower Ministry is responsible for assisting Father Ruben in creating and maintaining an environment in the Church and Holy Spirit Chapel that will be conducive to prayer and spiritual peace At present there are twelve in this ministry which means that we have a week assigned to us every 2 months to water the plants in the Church, Chapel and the Family Life Center. We are also responsible for the decorations at Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter.
if you would like to be part of this group, Please contact the office.