We are a growing Catholic community in the heart of the beautiful Texas Hill Country. We aspire to express the Good News of Jesus Christ in today's society. Through the Eucharistic liturgy, we gather for prayer and raise our hearts, minds and lives to God. Moved by the Holy Spirit, we seek to manifest God's love for all.
“There is always a Word of God that gives us guidance after we slip, and through our weariness and disappointment there is always a Bread that is broken that keeps uf going on the journey.” (Pope Francis, Regina Caeli, May 4, 2014)
A Note from Our Pastor
When I was putting my Nicene Creed update into the bulletin last week I knew that I was going to be named pastor and Fr. Ruben would be pastor emeritus, but neither of us knew when. Now we know.
Again, from us both: sincere thanks for all your work with the parish, the help outs, the comings and goings of priests, the continuing on of growing the parish and improving upon it, and most of all your constant care for one another and the community!
I know you will be finding out more about me, because you should know I am quite interested in knowing more about you. We have lots of time for questions and answers now that I am formally in place as your pastor.
And it is from our discovery of one another that we establish our own creeds, our own sets of belief. Just as the Nicene Creed answers certain questions of the faith, it also gives guidance and encouragement for us to take that same faith, wrap it in the gift of who we are individually and discover who we are collectively by sharing faith together in all the activities that each of us engage in.
May God Bless us all, that we will have super time in discovering more about our faith. Fr. Brad
Second Collection – Catholic Higher Education
This weekend, February 8 and 9, all parishes in the Diocese will take up the Catholic Higher Education collection to support campus ministry programs at the colleges and universities in our diocese. These include communities at the University of Texas, Texas A&M, Baylor University, Texas State University, Mary Hardin-Baylor, St. Edwards’s University and other smaller college campuses. The goals of Catholic campus ministry are to build a faith community, bring the message of Christ to the academic world and prepare future leaders of society and our Church. Please be generous in your support of this cause.
Notice: Capital Campaign Donations
Your donations are very much appreciated. In order to avoid errors, please clearly mark checks that are intended for the Capital Campaign. If you are dropping a Capital Campaign check in the offertory basket, clearly note it on the memo line and/or place it in a separate envelope. Thanks so much for your help!
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul would like to thank the St. Paul parishioners for their generous donation of $3,089.00 for the month of January and the Black Bag collection on February 1 and 2. During the month of January the Society assisted 60 households with a total expenditure of $25,292. Thank you and God Bless.
WWICS Bible Study Continues February 10
Monday, February 10, the WWICS Bible Study will continue Luke: The Story of Salvation Fulfilled, Session Four, at 2:30 in the FLC. If you would like to attend or have questions, contact Pat Bentley: [email protected]
St. Paul Book Club
Book Club will meet on Tuesday, February 18 at 3:30 pm in the Family Life Center. We will review the book It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover, and in March, A Circle of Women by Lisa See. If you have suggestions for future books, please contact Martha Avery at [email protected].
Building Expansion Update
The architects have completed the development design phase and submitted the set of drawings to Nash Construction, the general contractor, for final cost estimates. The current timeline allows us to remain in the church until Easter Sunday. Easter Masses will be held in the Family Life Center. The construction phase will begin after all permits and documents are in place.
End of the Year Statements
The end of the year statements are ready and available in the office. If you are unable to pick them up, they can be emailed to you. Just call the office and let us know.
Our Campaign Prayer
Loving God, we praise and thank you for your constant care. Send your Spirit to be our guide and Shepherd us during this campaign. We ask you to bless our efforts to provide the resources to continue our service to your people at St. Paul the Apostle. Help us continue to promote the mission of our parish that the Church may grow and flourish in the beautiful Hill Country of Texas. May we persevere with the hope fostered and modeled by our patron Saint Paul who said:
“I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me. So we pray in your name. Amen
Pray the Rosary
All are welcome to join in praying the rosary together: Sunday at 9:45 in the Holy Spirit Chapel; Wednesdays at 4:50 pm in the chapel; Thursdays at 8:20 in the church; Fridays at 8:20 in the church. Friday at 8:20 in the church.
Holy Hour
Parishioners are invited to spend an hour a week in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament by the Exposition Tabernacle in the sanctuary, each Tuesday from noon to 1:00 pm. The church is open for prayer during office hours and all day on Wednesdays.
Building Fund Support – BFF Cards
BFF cards are available at church after weekend Masses and in the office on weekdays. They make great gifts and are a simple way to help grow our building fund! Cards may be used at all HEB stores and HEB gas stations, Bay Side Market, and PK Nails & Spa
Samaritan Group Monthly Luncheon
We are starting up our monthly luncheons starting on the 2nd Thursday of every month for those of you who would like to join us. If you know of anyone who has had a loss and you feel he or she may be interested, feel free to invite them. If you have other obligations and this will not fit into your schedule or you want your name removed from the list just let me know and we can remove it.. We are meeting on February 13, at 11:30 a.m. at Bella Sera. To reserve your spot, please call Angela Cook, 801-633-1242. Please respond by Monday, February 10.
Healing Mission at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
St. John’s will conduct a Healing Mission with Paul Rymniak on March 10th, 11th and 12th at the church. All three evenings will begin at 7:00 p.m. The thrust of these services will be forgiveness and healing. The Sacrament of Confession will be available during the Mission. For more information, see the poster in Hecker Hall
Happy Birthday
Parishioners celebrating birthdays this week:
Jenna Watson, February 8;
Joseph Wagner, February 9;
Alice Pawelek, February 12;
Frances Carrillo and Diane Gele, February 13;
Tom D’Arcy, February 14.
God’s blessings on your special day!
Happy Anniversary
Parishioners celebrating anniversaries:
Brian and Nubia Kosoglow, 18 years on February 9;
Gordon and Marci Butler, 47 years on February 11;
Jacob and Lorraine Haby, 59 years on February 12.
May God continue to bless your marriage!
Thank you for your generous donations of $10,876.00 to the Sunday Collection
“The aim of spiritual direction is to discover the ways of God for you and to point them out to you and aid you to walk therein. (1865, “Thoughts on the Spiritual Life,” PV, p. 214)
If you have asked Father Hecker to pray for you or another person who is ill, and you believe something miraculous has happened, phone Father Paul Robichaud, CSP, at 212-265-3209 x350 and tell him your story.
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Paulist Statement on Violence